Ship Faster
Turn Slack conversations into documentation, instantly
Developers lose 5 - 10 hours/week answering and asking engineering questions. Yet, the context from these conversations gets documented less than 5% of the time. 65% of the time it's stuck in Slack private channels or DMs, hidden from the rest of the engineering team. Ollie AI makes it trivial to capture that information and share it with the rest of your team so everyone can benefit. Just right-click a Slack thread (channels or DMs) or screenshot any context and Ollie AI will surface the information when called upon!
Speed up new-hire onboarding
New hires are shy! They prefer to ask questions in Slack DMs vs. public channels. As a result, this information doesn't get shared with the next new hire that comes along and the cycle repeats. Ollie AI enables engineering onboarding to scale.
Reduce the Q&A load on your infrastructure team
Infrastructure and platform teams spend a lot of their time answering questions from the application teams they're supporting. Ollie AI helps you easily document every interaction so that no question has to be answered twice.
Reduce on-call toil
Engineers rotate on and off on-call rotations weekly, but knowledge transfer is limited. As a result, on-call tends to be painful for all members of the team and doesn't get better. Ollie AI helps make on-call a smoother process by making it easy to record incidents and their resolution.
From Inside Slack
Save conversations for the future
Ollie AI has a Slack App which enables you to store and index important messages and threads that are useful for engineering teams to refer to in the future. You can do this in channels or DMs.
From Anywhere
Screenshot Documentation
Ollie AI has a desktop app that allows you to screenshot any piece of contextual information (it doesn't have to be in Slack!). Sometimes Slack conversations can span multiple messages and exporting each individual message can be tedious. Our screenshot documentation tool allows you to backup and index many messages quickly. Ollie will automatically turn the screenshot into text and index it for you so that your team can refer to it in the future.
Ask Ollie
Ask any question
Ollie can help answer all of your questions all within Slack. Just DM or @mention Ollie, and Ollie will do its best to help you get unblocked.
Sign up to use Ollie AI
Ollie AI is currently in private beta but we're rapidly onboarding new engineering teams – sign up for access
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